Need help with your garage door?
Garage Door Service

Affordable Garage Door Services

Same Day Repairs – Low-Cost Rates

Garage Door Service

Cheap Garage Door Service |  San Francisco CA

For the most part, automatic overhead garage doors are low maintenance and user-friendly devices. The infrequent maintenance that they do need, though, is very important! If you're in need of garage door services near San Francisco or its nearby areas, let us know. The team here specializes in fixing all types of problems from worn springs to an opener that is not working and misaligned sensors.

What Can Happen To Your Garage Door?

The overhead style garage door has a lot of moving parts, and it only takes one of them breaking or coming loose to cause problems. Rollers, hinges, and many opener and spring assembly components can all jam and bend. The opener and sensors can suffer electrical failures and computer issues. Sometimes, you’ll hear your door making strange noises or working more slowly or shakily before failing. Other times, the warning signs are very subtle.

How To Keep Things Going

Having your garage door examined by a professional about twice a year is recommended for all owners. Make sure you know a good garage door service provider in your home town or neighborhood to provide this routine maintenance. If you do suffer a major breakdown, you’ll also want to know who to contact immediately. If there's any doubt about that, the team here at Garage Door Repair San Francisco is who you need to call for any and all issues.

Dealing With Garage Door Problems

A garage door not opening, a garage door not closing, or a garage door off track and hanging loose are the most obvious failure states. A door that only sometimes obeys commands, opens and closes on its own, or moves jerkily or unevenly is also a serious problem, though! Trying to fix it without professional training is dangerous, especially if the problem involves the springs. If you’re having trouble, get someone over as soon as possible, and meanwhile avoid using the door more than you have to.

Sometimes You Need Replacements

The two hardest working parts of the system, the garage door springs, and the opener require more frequent replacement than most others. New garage door opener installation is typically needed every ten to fifteen years. assuming a good opener and proper maintenance. Dangerous and difficult broken spring repairs are best avoided by replacing the springs every six to seven years, depending on use.

Other Garage Door Spring Services

Apart from replacing broken springs and cables, you may come to require some other type of related garage door service. Like what, you ask? Like tension adjustment, for example. The tension of garage door springs will vary over time. That means that you may find the garage door unbalanced suddenly. If it only goes up a little then goes back down, that's usually a sign of a lack of spring tension. Now, adjusting garage door springs is dangerous, so you're better off leaving this type of task to the pros. If you're close to San Francisco, you can use us to fix tension issues and other spring-related problems.

Automatic Garage Door Installation

Garage door replacement or new garage door installation are big projects, but they can be very rewarding ones. A good garage door company should be able to provide you with a range of components from various manufacturers. With the right combination, you can get a garage door that looks, acts, and feels exactly how you want. If you don’t have an automatic overhead door, get in touch with Garage Door Repair San Francisco to get a free estimate on a new door installation cost.


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Our professional team is where you should look for the finest quality repairs at budget prices. We offer dependable, same-day service and guaranteed customer satisfaction!

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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

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Sept 20, 2024
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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Our technician will contact you before arriving. Until then, feel free to browse our website! Garage Door Repair San Francisco is at your service!